Connecting Google Hangouts to OSX Calendar

Connecting Google Hangouts to OSX Calendar

Software Development
Tips & Tricks
November 18, 2013
Randall Hand
For the last year I’ve basically given up on the OSX Calendar App and been using the Google Calendar website in a Pinned Tab in Chrome.  Although I still keep OSX Calendar synced and up to date, it became a real problem that it didn’t support Google Hangouts invitations.  As such, I found myself having to manually open Google Calendar before each meeting, hunting down the meeting and then joining the hangout.  I basically had given up on ever finding a solution, but today Google finally won out.
On StackOverflow I found a similar individual with this problem, and someone posted a clever combination of automator, shell scripts, and AppleScript that makes it possible.  It’s not perfect, but now I can drag events from OSX Calendar to a little icon in my dock that reprocesses them and adds the hangout URL back in under the URL field, making it a simple click-and-launch to get into hangouts.
For simplicity, the procedure (with my one modification) is:
  1. Create an Automator of type application
  1. Add 'GetSpecified Finder' Items step
  1. Add a 'Run Shell Script’ step, and change the inputs to be As Arguments, not As Stdin.
  1. Copy the following into the text box:
read url <<< $(cat "$1" | sed "s/$(printf '\r')\$//" | awk -F':' '/X-GOOGLE-HANGOUT/ {first = $2":"$3; getline rest; print (first)(substr(rest,2)); exit 1}’;) read uid <<< $(cat "$1" | sed "s/$(printf '\r')\$//" | awk -F':' '/UID/ {print $2; exit 1}’;) echo "$url” echo "$uid”
  1. Add a step of type 'Run Apple Script’
  1. Copy the following into the box replacing "myCalendar" with the name of your calendar:
on run {input, parameters}                set myURL to input's item 1                set myUID to input's item 2                set myCal to “myCalendar"                tell application “Calendar"                     tell calendar myCal                          set theEvent to first event whose uid = myUID                              set (url of theEvent) to myURL                     end tell                   end tell               return input           end run
  1. Save the Application and add to your dock