If you spend much time in a terminal, be it on Mac or Linux, one thing you wind up doing often is creating and decompressing tarballs. Be they tgz, tbs, or just plain tar files, they’re the archive format of choice for folks working in *nix environments due to their universal support. Most commonly, the only way to get any real status information is to turn on “verbose” mode which outputs each filename as it goes. That’s not terribly useful for large archives.
If you install the ‘pv’ tool, you can partner it with some commandline-fu to get nice progress bars. But why deal with it, when you can write a fish function to do it for you!
Here's a script (expand.fish) that decompresses a variety of formats:
function expand -d 'Decompress a file' -a filename
set -l extension ( echo $filename | awk -F . '{print $NF}')
switch $extension
case tar
echo "Un-tar-ing $filename..."
pv $filename | tar xf -
case tgz
echo "Un-tar/gz-ing $filename..."
pv $filename | tar zxf -
case tbz
echo "Un-tar/bz-ing $filename..."
pv $filename | tar jxf -
case gz
echo "Un-gz-ing $filename..."
pv $filename | gunzip -
case bz
echo "Un-bz-ing $filename..."
pv $filename | bunzip2 -
case zip
echo "Un-zipping $filename..."
unzip $filename
case '*'
echo I don\'t know what to do with $extension files.
And here's a matching script for creating tarballs:
function tarball -d "Create a tarball of collected files" -a filename
echo "Creating a tarball of $filename"
if [ -e $filename ]
echo "Sorry, $filename already exists."
set -l args $argv[2..-1]
set -l size (du -ck $args | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1)
set -l extension ( echo $filename | awk -F . '{print $NF}')
switch $extension
case tgz
tar cf - $args | pv -p -s {$size}k | gzip -c > $filename
case tbz
tar cf - $args | pv -p -s {$size}k | bzip2 -c > $filename
case '*'
echo "I don't know how to make a '$extension' file."
set -l shrunk (du -sk $filename | cut -f 1)
set -l ratio ( math "$shrunk * 100.0 / $size")
echo Reduced {$size}k to {$shrunk}k \({$ratio}%\)