Here’s another little snippet for anyone interested… I wanted my Terminal prompt to show all active sessions, for easy memory that I may have left one open, but it was a little dull. Being a Viz guy, what can I do to make it better? _
Add Color!_
So below, find a little fish function that you can add to your script (or just call manually) for nicely colored output as shown above.
# xeno_list function xeno_list --description 'Colored xeno list results' for s in ( xeno-list ); set -l xen_id (echo $s | cut -d ':' -f 1) set -l xen_desc (echo $s | cut -d ':' -f 2-) set -l xen_array (echo $s | tr ' ' \n) set -l statuscolor (set_color green) set -l desccolor (set_color normal) if test $xen_array[-1] = "unsynced" set statuscolor (set_color red) set desccolor (set_color yellow) end echo $statuscolor\[$xen_id\] $desccolor $xen_desc (set_color normal) end end